The Essential Benefits of Spring Cleaning

benefits of spring cleaning hero

Why is spring cleaning something that the majority of Canadians do every year, despite having a love-hate relationship with the age-old tradition?

The reason is simple: there are many undeniable benefits of spring cleaning.

As the two calendar markers that symbolize a time for renewal and a reset, it makes perfect sense that the new year and spring are when we put the most effort into cleaning and tidying our homes.

On the surface, spring cleaning may seem to be worthwhile solely for the improvements it brings to our living environment by freeing up space, helping us find things easier, and generally improving a home’s functionality.

To fully appreciate why this annual ritual is so essential, however, we’ll explain its deeper importance and why spring cleaning is so beneficial for our mental well-being.

9 interesting spring cleaning statistics

Recent surveys from Ipsos and Bona/Harris about the spring cleaning habits of Canadians reveal some interesting statistics. Here are some of their findings:

  • 59% of Canadians do spring cleaning every year
  • 89% of those surveyed think spring cleaning is important
  • only one in five (21%) people who spring clean are enthusiastic about doing it
  • 94% of Canadians who spring clean feel a strong sense of accomplishment when they’re done
  • 39% of homeowners worry they won’t find the time to properly spring clean
  • the highest-priority spring cleaning jobs are kitchen cleaning (57%), decluttering and organizing (55%), and bathroom cleaning (55%)
  • 92% of those surveyed feel more relaxed living in a clean home
  • two thirds (67%) of people who spring clean feel like their home is healthier
  • the least desirable cleaning tasks are window washing (27%), bathroom cleaning (15%), and cleaning large kitchen appliances (13%)

6 benefits of spring cleaning

Most of us reluctantly approach spring cleaning and view it as a time to give our homes their obligatory once-a-year deep cleaning. Doing all of that dusting, scrubbing, vacuuming, organizing, and other overdue home chores will have a bigger impact than most people realize, however.

Are you struggling to get or stay motivated enough to reach your goals for getting your home in order this spring? Perhaps finding out more about some benefits of spring cleaning you may not have considered will fuel your motivation and lead to greater success.

1. Spring cleaning improves your physical health

woman sneezing

We’ve previously written about how to improve the air quality in your home. Most people don’t realize that air pollution levels indoors are typically two to five times higher than they are outdoors.

For that reason alone, it’s worth taking the time in the spring to “detox your home” by eliminating the dust, allergens, and pollutants that have accumulated indoors over the winter months.

Getting rid of the main contributors to poor indoor air quality by cleaning, scrubbing, and ventilating our homes refreshes our living space and promotes better physical health. It reduces the likelihood of experiencing asthma and allergy-related issues.

89% of the respondents in that Ipsos survey believe that it’s important for their physical health to have a clean home. Simply eliminating some clutter like storage boxes and bins is a good step towards improving a home’s air quality. Items like this give dust more surface areas to collect on and dust only attracts more dust.

Another spring cleaning benefit is that a thorough cleaning effort gives you the chance to get some light exercise, which is never a bad thing. Physical activity can be a powerful source of motivation and inspiration and helps boost our energy levels and improve our mood.

2. It enhances your mental well-being

Our surroundings have a major impact on our mental health. Clutter and disorganization can contribute to feelings of stress and anxiety because it causes us to feel overwhelmed and not in control of our environment.

Spring cleaning provides an opportunity to declutter our surroundings and create a sense of order and calmness that positively impacts our mental health. Here are a few examples of some spring cleaning benefits that affect us on a psychological level:

  • being able to find things easier helps us feel like we’re more in control of our living space
  • eliminating clutter removes distractions and creates more space to notice and appreciate the things that bring us comfort and joy
  • completing spring cleaning work and seeing a tangible result makes our brain release dopamine, which generates feelings of happiness and pleasure
  • making our homes look more presentable and aesthetically pleasing instills feelings of pride, confidence, and contentment

There are so many things that can cause stress in our lives like worrying about politics, finances, the economy, relationships, and how our careers are going. Many of these stressors are things that are beyond our control.

One thing we can control is the organization and cleanliness of our homes. By making this a priority, we can minimize or eliminate a major source of stress by creating a living environment that’s better for our mental well-being.

3. Spring cleaning prevents mould and mildew

One of your goals while spring training shouldn’t just be to improve your living space’s appearance, it should be to eliminate germs, mould, and mildew.

Dampness and moisture tend to linger in the winter. This creates ideal conditions for mould and mildew growth in the spring, especially in areas with poor ventilation. Inspect home areas that are more prone to moisture buildup, such as bathrooms, garages, laundry rooms, basements, closets, and attics. Excess mould in a home can:

  • pose a health risk
  • impact the structural integrity of a house
  • lead to costly repairs
  • damage your belongings

You can usually remove small amounts of mould yourself using a mould removal product or household items like detergent, distilled white vinegar, and bleach.

Wear gloves, goggles, and a respirator or good face mask during the cleanup process to avoid exposure to mould spores. Experts recommend hiring a professional if the area affected by mould is more than 10 square feet.

4. It renews your energy and boosts productivity

man working in office

Clutter creates visual and mental distractions that reduces our ability to focus. That makes virtually any task more challenging to complete, whether it’s something as mundane as vacuuming a room or a chore that requires a little more focus and attention, such as cooking a meal.

A clean and organized home fosters better productivity and efficiency. Imagine walking into a clutter-free space where everything has its place and finding what you need becomes effortless. You waste much less time searching for misplaced items or rummaging through piles of clutter.

Instantly, your mind feels clearer and more focused, which should boost your productivity and leave you with more time for more important activities. Purging clutter and consistently keeping your home in a generally good place organizationally also makes cleaning and organizing in the future a more efficient process.

The positive effects of refreshing our living space and maintaining an orderly home feed off of each other. It elevates our mood, boosts our energy level, and gives us more motivation to tackle tasks with enthusiasm. A new OnePoll survey for The Container Store found that 80% of homeowners feel more motivated when their living space isn’t cluttered.

A healthier living environment that allows for better home functionality helps us sleep better as well, which also gives us more energy.

5. It fosters gratitude and self-reflection

One of the less obvious benefits of spring cleaning is that it gives our mindset the occasional refresh it needs.

As we explore the nooks and crannies of our homes, we’re confronted with all of our possessions and are reminded to be grateful for the abundance we enjoy. Forgotten treasures and sentimental keepsakes are rediscovered, allowing us to appreciate the memories they hold.

Simultaneously, spring cleaning gives us the chance to do some self-reflection while taking stock of our possessions. This can shift our perspective and make us more mindful of our consumption habits.

By cultivating gratitude through spring cleaning, we develop a deeper connection to our belongings and surroundings and have a greater appreciation for the comfort and security of our homes. Ultimately, this can lead to a more fulfilling lifestyle.

6. Spring cleaning prepares you for new beginnings

craft room

Spring is a time of transition and possibilities. By completing our spring cleaning work, we prepare ourselves mentally and emotionally for the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead, clearing the path for new beginnings.

This can happen in a variety of ways. Maybe purging a bunch of clutter opens up enough space in a room so that you can transform how it’s used, such as creating a new:

Perhaps the main things holding you back from rediscovering an old hobby or starting a new one is the lack of a dedicated home space for it or a shortage of free time. After a thorough spring cleaning that leaves you with more space and time because your home runs more efficiently, maybe you can finally pursue some new interests and activities.

Another positive by-product of spring cleaning is more social opportunities can open up because you’ll be more willing to have visitors over. Many homeowners avoid having company over because their house or condo isn’t up to the presentation standards they’d like. That OnePoll/Container Store survey found that 46% of homeowners would be embarrassed having guests see the messiest areas of their homes.

5 spring cleaning tips

With a better understanding of these spring cleaning benefits and the importance of giving your home some TLC, let’s explore some practical tips to make the process more efficient and enjoyable.

wood floor being mopped while spring cleaning

  1. Create a plan: Have a clear vision for what you want to accomplish and prioritize your home’s more problematic areas. Set ambitious goals that are broken down into smaller, achievable tasks to prevent burnout and ensure thoroughness. Make spring cleaning a team effort and get other family members on-board to help so you don’t feel overwhelmed.
  2. Declutter first: Don’t underestimate “the power of purging”. Deep-cleaning will be easier if you declutter by removing items that are no longer needed or used. Sort belongings into categories for what you want to keep, recycle, donate, sell, and discard. Pay special attention to common clutter hotspots like the garage and junk drawers.
  3. Tackle one room at a time: Focus on cleaning one room or area at a time to maintain momentum and prevent distractions. By seeing a tangible result when one area is fully decluttered, cleaned, and reorganized, you’ll stay motivated and energized. Allow yourself to rest if necessary. Sometimes, stepping away from any type of work for a little while helps you recharge and gives you a fresh perspective when you return to a task. Don’t overlook neglected areas such as baseboards, ceiling fans, and behind appliances.
  4. Use the right tools and supplies: Most cleaning products contain hazardous chemicals that can offset some of the health benefits of cleaning, so don’t overuse them. Soap, water, and a sponge or washable mop pad should work for most scrubbing jobs. Reusable microfibre cloths or dusters will trap dust particles more effectively and are more environmentally-friendly than single-use rags and cloths.
  5. Celebrate your progress and completion of projects: As you work through your spring cleaning checklist, take breaks to acknowledge and celebrate some of your accomplishments, even the small ones. Reward yourself with small treats or leisure activities to maintain motivation. If your kids are working with you, this strategy can help keep them motivated and on-task.

Enjoy the benefits of spring cleaning

Yes, it can be difficult to muster up enough motivation to get your spring cleaning projects started and to find the time to follow them through to completion properly.

Despite this common struggle, it emphasizes the importance of this timeless practice that few other home cleaning and organization tasks we do throughout the year feel as rewarding as spring cleaning.

Keeping a home tidier does become easier if you get some professional help, especially if your career and lifestyle take up most of your time and energy.

Whether you’re hiring a home cleaning service, a professional home organizer, or a home organization design and manufacturing company like Organized Interiors, an expert’s help can create a more harmonious living space.

Our custom storage solutions can improve your closets, bedrooms, laundry room, and home office, to name just a few of the home spaces we specialize in upgrading.

Schedule a free design consultation with us to start planning your home improvement project.

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Spring Closet Cleaning: 5 Essential Tips for a Refreshed Wardrobe

woman doing spring closet cleaning

Spring is well underway, so there’s a good chance you’ve been working away on your home spring cleaning projects.

As time-consuming as it can be to give your home some extra cleaning and organizing attention, it always feels rewarding to refresh and renew your living space.

Obvious tasks like dusting blinds, washing windows, vacuuming baseboards, and cleaning out the pantry are likely on your spring cleaning checklist.

One project you might be overlooking, however, is a spring closet cleaning.

Don’t overlook your closets while spring cleaning

Although most of the closets in our homes get used every day, they often get overlooked come spring cleaning time. We tend to focus our work efforts on the more visible home areas. It’s all too easy to hide messy closets by just keeping their doors closed as much as possible.

The “out of sight, out of mind” philosophy simply doesn’t work very long with an untidy closet…as we’re always reminded the next time we use it.

A change of season presents the perfect opportunity to declutter and organize your closets. They’re one of the home’s major clutter hotspots and there are lots of benefits of having tidier closets.

Here are some spring closet cleaning tips to help you create more functional and efficient closet spaces.

Benefits of spring closet cleaning

Let’s start with the benefits of doing a spring closet cleaning. Here’s why it’s worth the time and effort to do a spring closet refresh:

  1. Organized closets are a time-saver: overstuffed closets make it harder to find things to wear every day. Curating your wardrobe to accommodate the current season and making better use of your storage space eliminates hours of wasted time every year.
  2. Using tidy closets reduces stress: an easy-to-manage closet space makes it less stressful to get dressed. With all of your clothes and accessories visible at a glance, you’ll experience less “mess stress” and decision fatigue and enjoy a smoother morning routine.
  3. Maximize your wardrobe usage: A National Association of Professional Organizers study found that 80% of our clothes are only worn 20% of the time. Organized closets reduce the likelihood of losing and misplacing clothes and allow you to get the most use from what you own.
  4. Get a better idea of what clothing you need to buy: an occasional wardrobe curation and closet reorganization helps you make smarter clothing purchases. You’ll be more informed about the gaps and surplusses in your clothing collection.
  5. Extend the life of your clothing: messy, overstuffed closets lead to poor storage habits. That usually leaves clothes looking a little worse for wear, which can damage them and shorten their lives.

5 essential spring closet cleaning tips

In addition to these specific closet-cleaning benefits, spring cleaning is an age-old ritual because it helps lighten our mood, increase our productivity, and improve the air quality in our homes.

Every part of a home needs an occasional refresh. Even the most beautiful room will lose its visual appeal after years of seeing it day after day. All areas of a living space (including the closets) can benefit from a refresh and revamp every once in a while.

If all of these benefits sound like worthwhile reasons to get your closets in order, here are some tips to make your spring closet cleaning project a little easier.

1. Curate your wardrobe

Recent data from Statistics Canada shows that the average Canadian household spends $3,344 on clothing and accessories annually.

Whether it’s the garage, kitchen pantry, or your closets, any space is naturally easier to keep tidy if it contains fewer things to store. Our bedroom closets work the hardest and are most in need of a spring closet clean-out and some wardrobe curation.

The curation process will typically take up the most amount of time while spring closet cleaning, especially if it’s something you don’t do at least once a year. Try on anything you haven’t worn in ages to see what fits and which items still align with your style. Set up “keep”, “donate”, “sell”, and “throw-away” sections.

An effective closet purge requires making some difficult choices about what to keep and what to let go of. Be mindful of finding a sensible balance between practicality and sentimentality during the process.

Once you’ve eliminated the unnecessary items from your wardrobe, now you’re more able to “shop your closet”. If you’re unfamiliar with the term, it means to create new outfits using the lesser-worn and overlooked items in your existing wardrobe. And if you do need to fill in a few wardrobe gaps, now you have more closet space for any new additions.

woman sorting clothes

Try to curate your wardrobe at least once a year to prevent your closets from getting overstuffed and unmanageable.

2. Refresh your closet interiors

We’ve detailed one type of closet cleaning that involves decluttering and curating. It’s impossible to give a full closet a proper cleaning in the traditional sense, however. Since your closets will be mostly emptied during this process, take advantage of this opportunity to give them a deep cleaning.

Even in a home that is regularly vacuumed, a surprising amount of dust can get into enclosed spaces like closets. Give the ceilings, walls, and shelves in your closets a thorough dusting and remove any cobwebs. Don’t forget to wipe down any baseboards, light fixtures, and small personal items that have accumulated dust, too.

Vacuum the closet floors and consider refreshing any carpets or rugs with a steam cleaning or shampoo if it’s been a while since they’ve last had one.

Look for signs of mould and mildew, which can occur in dark closets with high humidity levels and overly restricted airflow. Avoid storing wet shoes and sweaty clothes in closets to keep out the moisture that mould and mildew thrive on.

Keep an eye out for signs of clothing moths as well. They’re attracted to natural fibres and also enjoy warm and dark spaces. To make your closets less hospitable for moths, mothballs aren’t your only option (in fact, they’re quite toxic). Here are some alternative ways to avoid any moth issues in your closets:

  • don’t put dirty clothes in closets
  • use pheromone strips
  • keep cedar blocks or hangers in your closets
  • use sachets containing spices like lavender, cinnamon, mint, and cloves

3. Use good closet organizing systems

After carefully considering which of your belongings deserve space in your closets, now it’s time to put everything back. But before doing so, ask yourself one question: could my closets be improved with better storage and organization systems?

A high-quality custom closet system maximizes your closet storage space, reduces clutter, and makes it much easier to stay organized. Professionally-designed custom closet systems are superior to store-bought closet organizers for a few reasons:

  • they’re tailored specifically for the dimensions of your home’s closets, resulting in maximum functionality
  • there’s more flexibility to accommodate your storage and organization habits
  • they look nicer and complement your existing décor better
  • higher-quality materials provide greater durability and a better user experience

Organized Interiors offers storage solutions for reach-in and walk-in closets that can be a game-changer if you’re dealing with closet organization issues. Another option is to add a built-in or standalone custom wardrobe closet if you need a little more clothes storage space.

men's walk-in closet

4. Prioritize your storage needs

Once you’ve decided on how your closets will be set up and what’s going back in them, establish how you want to organize them.

Out-of-season clothes that won’t be touched for a few months ideally shouldn’t be taking up any space in your bedroom closets. An exception would be if you have a walk-in or extra-large reach-in closet.

Since this is a spring closet cleaning project, give your spring wardrobe basics the prime closet real estate. It’s a good idea to leave one or two warmer clothing items available for those cooler spring and early summer days.

There are many different methods to organize your closets in a way that works the easiest and best for you. Some people like to group items by colour or fabric type. Others prefer to group things according to clothing type or length.

5. Donate, recycle, and repurpose your old clothing

A 2022 report from the National Institute of Standards and Technology found that only about 15% of used clothes and other textiles get reused or recycled in the U.S.

There are a few eco-friendly options available to get rid of your old clothing. Donating anything that is still in good condition is the best solution. As with any type of donation, you should always check the reputation of any local organization you choose to support. Here are a few suggestions:

  • clothing banks
  • women’s shelters
  • refugee centres
  • homeless shelters
  • thrift stores
  • churches
  • organizations that provide employment assistance via business attire donations

Selling your old clothes online isn’t for everybody, but it is another option. Local animal shelters may be able to use some of your old clothing as bedding. Some types of worn-out clothes that aren’t suitable for donating can be repurposed as cleaning rags.

Virtually all types of clothing and textiles are recyclable. Reputable charities like Goodwill and The Salvation Army recycle any donated clothing that can’t be used. Textile recycling companies and most municipalities can also accept your old clothing for recycling.

donated clothes in clear container

An excess of old clothing ends up in landfills instead of being donated, recycled, resold, or repurposed.

Reset your closets with a spring closet cleaning

Don’t let untidy closets waste your valuable time every day because they’re too unmanageable. Take the time to give them a spring closet cleaning and you’ll appreciate having tidy and refreshed spaces to store your clothing.

Organized Interiors can upgrade any closet in your home with our stylish closet systems. Get started on your custom closet remodel project by scheduling a free design consultation with us.

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The Best Home Organization Shows to Watch Right Now

Photo by Vecislavas Popa from Pexels

When the calendar turns to January, many of us get the urge to tidy up after a busy holiday season to get our homes in order.

Having the idea to get some January home cleaning done and actually being motivated enough to follow through on those good intentions doesn’t always happen, however.

A little extra inspiration can always help. Why not watch some of the best home organization shows for some ideas and inspiration to get your new year home organization project started?

Get inspired by these home organization shows

Home organization shows have had a major impact on pop culture in recent years. Thanks to everyone from Marie Kondo to The Minimalists to the Get Organized with The Home Edit ladies, decluttering and home organizing have become their own subgenre of TV entertainment.

Who would have thought?

Homeowners have no shortage of choices on their TV screens and devices to educate, entertain, and inspire them to declutter and refresh their living spaces.

Luckily, these shows cater to a variety of organizing styles, so at least one of them should align with your personality and lifestyle.

Don’t wait until the spring to get your home in tip-top shape. Start the year off on a positive note by checking out these binge-worthy home organization shows to spark some inspiration to restore order to your home.

1. Get Organized with The Home Edit

home organization shows

Photo: Netflix Canada

Home organizing experts Joanna Teplin and Clea Shearer founded their Home Edit company in 2015. Their goal was to “reinvent traditional organizing and merge it with design and interior styling for a specific and signature look”.

The Nashville-based duo have rapidly grown The Home Edit into a major lifestyle brand that includes the following:

  • a podcast
  • two bestselling books
  • a product line that is sold in over two dozen countries
  • a huge social media following

Teplin and Shearer also executive produce and star in Get Organized with The Home Edit on Netflix. That show is also executive produced by actress Reese Witherspoon, whose Hello Sunshine media company bought The Home Edit company in 2022.  

The show features the pair’s signature organizing style that relies on using colour-coordinated storage and clear acrylic containers to make spaces more aesthetically pleasing. Using lots of labels is another strategy they recommend to make it easier to keep things tidy.

They help celebrities (including Witherspoon, Neil Patrick Harris, and Eva Longoria) and average families organize everything from their pantries to playrooms to home offices to bedroom closets. Joanna and Clea’s own homes and personal lives get some attention, too.

Season one premiered in 2020 and includes eight episodes ranging from 40 to 45 minutes each. 2022’s season two includes eight more episodes.

Where you can watch it: Netflix

2. Tidying Up with Marie Kondo

A list of the best home organization shows wouldn’t be complete without including Marie Kondo. In the last several years, the Japanese minimalist and organizing guru have become a household name in North America.

Kondo has authored several bestselling books (including 2014’s breakout hit The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up), makes public speaking appearances, appears regularly on TV, is a major social media influencer, and is also an in-demand organizing consultant.

Her “KonMari” organization philosophies are showcased in Netflix’s Tidying Up with Marie Kondo series. Kondo helps her clients declutter their homes by sharing her wisdom about the benefits of living with fewer things. She also shows them how to deal with the emotional connection we form with some of our belongings, which makes it harder to detach from them. 

Kondo’s decluttering methods of asking whether or not your belongings “spark joy” for you and literally expressing gratitude towards items you part with aren’t for everyone, admittedly. But we think anyone whose name has become a verb for decluttering (as in “I Marie Kondo-ed my messy closet”) is worth paying to.

The 2019 show includes one season of eight episodes ranging from 35 to 50 minutes each.

Where you can watch it: Netflix

3. Hot Mess House

Photo: HGTV Canada

Chatham-born Cassandra Aarssen’s ClutterBug home organizing business has helped millions of people live with less clutter. Aarssen’s home organizing tips and hacks are also available through her YouTube channel, podcast, blog, books, and on her Hot Mess House HGTV show.

Hot Mess House’s first season was filmed in the early days of the pandemic, so the organizing expert works with her clients virtually. After getting a video tour of the clients’ homes and hearing about their issues, she recommends home organizing solutions that will help them and organizationally-challenged viewers. 

In season two, Aarssen gets to work with her clients in-person at their homes on organization projects that transform their messy spaces into tidy living areas. Builder Wendell Holland works with Aarssen to create the custom organization systems the homeowners need.

Season one of the series includes four 22-minute episodes. Season two features a lot more content with six episodes that are 43 minutes each.

Where you can watch it: HGTV Canada, Discovery+, Amazon Prime Video

4. The Minimalists: Less Is Now

Kondo may have raised the profile of the minimalist lifestyle over the last decade, but The Minimalists (Joshua Fields Millburn and Ryan Nicodemus) preceded her arrival by a few years.

The pair, who have been close friends since childhood, began evangelizing about the benefits of minimalism in 2011. Like the other home organization show hosts, they’ve published books, host a podcast, make public speaking appearances, and brought their message to the online streaming world.

The Minimalists: Less Is Now is the follow-up to Minimalism: A Documentary About the Important Things, their popular 2015 Netflix documentary. It further examines the pitfalls of consumer culture and challenges viewers to reevaluate their consumer habits.

Unlike the other home organization shows listed here, this one is a single documentary that packs a lot of food for thought into its shorter 53-minute running time.

Where you can watch it: Netflix

5. Sparking Joy with Marie Kondo

Photo: Netflix Canada

Sparking Joy, Kondo’s follow-up series to Tidying Up takes a different approach to organizing her clients’ lives. The show focuses on helping some small business owners and a church worker achieve a better work-life balance.

In one episode, Kondo helps the father and son owners of an organic garden centre organize their workspace to help relieve some of the strain in their relationship. Another episode finds Kondo helping a coffee shop owner bring more order to her cafe and home office space. A mother who has recently dealt with a lot of upheaval in her life turns to Kondo for her expertise as she attempts to tidy up her church and home in another episode.

The series updates the progress of Kondo’s clients by checking in with them a little while after consulting with the organizing expert. The series also provides a glimpse into Kondo’s family and home life.

Sparking Joy consists of three episodes that are 40 minutes each, so you can easily watch the entire series in one sitting.

Where you can watch it: Netflix

Get the best home organization solutions

Getting ideas, tips, and inspiration from these home organization shows will help restore order in your house or condo.

There’s no substitute for using well-made, highly efficient organization systems to maximize your home storage space, however.

It helps if the organization systems you rely on look nice, too. In recent years, home organization shows like the ones we’ve covered have spotlighted how the storage we use in our homes can also be more aesthetically pleasing.

Storage isn’t just part of the home’s form or function anymore. It’s also a major contributor to its style,writes Builderonline.

Organized Interiors has the expertise and stylish, user-friendly products to make your home tidier and more comfortable.

To organize and upgrade your closets, home office, bedrooms, laundry room, and other areas of your home, all it takes to get started is to schedule a free design consultation with us.

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9 Laundry Room Storage Ideas To Maximize Your Space

laundry room storage

Rooms like the kitchen, bathroom, and garage never take a day off. The laundry room may not similarly be used every day, but it’s still one of the hardest working home spaces.

The average Canadian family does 6-8 laundry loads per week. That means most of us spend dozens of hours in the laundry room every year.

One of the biggest problems with the most frequently used areas in our homes is that they’re hard to keep tidy. An inadequate amount of laundry room storage space tends to leave the room cluttered and disorganized. That makes it less functional, which adds to our time spent doing the laundry.

Laundry rooms are commonly the least cozy room in a house, too. It’s no wonder it’s so hard to get motivated to do an admittedly mundane, yet essential task in an untidy, dungeon-like atmosphere week after week.

Upgrading your laundry room has many benefits and there are plenty of ways to do it with these laundry room storage ideas.

Having more laundry room storage saves you time

Doing the laundry is one of the most time-consuming household tasks. According to a recent Arm & Hammer survey, the average American parent spends almost five hours per month doing the laundry. For large families, that number is undoubtedly higher.

Redesigning your laundry room to better accommodate your storage needs and laundry habits creates a space that is more enjoyable, convenient, and efficient to use.

If you could save yourself just 20 minutes a week doing the laundry with a smarter room setup, that’s more than 17 hours over the course of a year you can spend on other things!

Infographic source: Arm & Hammer

The laundry process involves using a lot of different products, tools, and accessories. All of those items need proper homes so things are always easy to find and put back in their place. Grouping like items together also keeps everything more organized. Following these two simple organizing fundamentals will go a long way toward preventing clutter from accumulating in any space.

Other smart laundry room storage solutions such as having hampers to sort dirty clothes and space-saving systems for an ironing board and drying racks will help, too.

Get some inspiration to improve how your laundry room functions with these laundry room storage ideas.

1. Cabinets are essential for laundry room storage

Anyone who is thorough when they do the laundry potentially requires storage space for a couple of dozen types of items or more that they use regularly. This includes things like detergent bottles and pods, fabric softener, stain remover, bleach, mesh washing bags, dryer sheets, an iron, and clothes pins, just to name a few.

Instead of the cheap laundry storage systems that a lot of homes use, invest in custom laundry room cabinets to store your supplies. Cabinets are essential for a laundry room and custom cabinetry is a better option compared to mass-produced cabinets that you have to assemble. Here’s why:

  • custom cabinets are tailored for a laundry room’s dimensions so storage space is used more efficiently
  • you get a wider variety of styles, finishes, and hardware
  • cheap cabinetry is less durable and more likely to fall apart faster (something worth considering in a room with fluctuating temperature and moisture levels)

Using cabinets for most of your laundry room storage needs keeps things hidden so the room looks tidier. Enclosed storage also keeps the space cleaner compared to keeping everything on shelves because you’ll have less dust accumulating on all your laundry supplies.

laundry room storage cabinets

The abundance of cabinetry in this laundry room handles all of its storage needs. Hidden storage also keeps the room looking tidier.

2. Install a few shelves

Laundry room shelves are useful for keeping your most frequently used items stored above the washer, dryer, sink, and the room’s primary work area. Shelves provide quick grab-and-go functionality, which is always convenient.

Use floating shelves and/or open shelf sections in your custom cabinet design. Set up distinct zones on the shelves to help maintain an organized space and eliminate any guesswork as to where something is located.

Adding shelves in a laundry room also lets you decoratively use them to make the space feel cozier. Pour your detergents, pods, and other supplies into stylish containers to bring some much-needed charm to the utilitarian space.

3. Add a multi-purpose laundry room island

Another great laundry room storage idea is to add an island if your room is large enough. A multi-purpose laundry room island adds more storage space and an extra work surface.

The base of the island can be designed for a variety of functions. Add several drawers for storing additional laundry and sewing supplies. Pullouts with hanging racks and an ironing board add space-saving functionality.

The island countertop also functions as a handy space to sort and mend your clothes and can be used as a folding station.  Undercabinet lighting helps brighten up your main countertop area to make working easier. This type of task lighting can be replicated above the island with a pendant or chandelier, which adds decorative appeal.

4. Upgrade or add a laundry room closet

If your laundry room has a closet, take advantage of that valuable hidden storage space. Ask your laundry room designer how to maximize the closet’s storage space.

They might suggest adding more shelving or reconfiguring the shelf spacing so the closet interior is used more efficiently. Perhaps pullout racks can be added. To refresh the closet’s appearance, give it a new coat of paint and add or upgrade the lighting.

For laundry rooms without a closet, consider adding a tall wardrobe-style cabinet that functions just as well as a traditional closet.

laundry room closet, hamper, ironing board

This cabinet closet with a pullout rack provides storage space for the home’s cleaning supplies. Pullouts with a drying rack, ironing board, and hamper add space-saving functionality.

5. Boost and store more with pedestals

You can never have enough laundry room storage space and a very easy way to add some more is with washer and dryer pedestals.

Pedestals, which raise front-loading washers and dryers 12-16″ to make them more accessible to load and unload, come in a few different styles. The most popular type has a built-in drawer below the platform the appliance sits on. This small space is ideal for storing your laundry day essentials and extra supplies.

Some pedestals lack a drawer and just have an open cutout that also serves as a useful storage area. The other kind of pedestal costs a good deal more and doesn’t offer storage. It incorporates a bottom compartment that lets you do a small laundry load or a second load along with the washer’s main load.

6. Add plenty of laundry hampers

Having a smart sorting system set up so that dirty clothes get sorted quicker will save your home’s main laundry-doers from having to do it.

Accomplishing this is fairly easy. As part of your remodel, have several pullout hampers incorporated into the laundry room cabinetry so dirty clothes can be separated by colours and delicate fabrics. Organized Interiors’ pullout hampers can also be built into our closet organizer systems and have an easily removable cloth bag with handles.

Label the hampers so there’s no confusion and have the wearers sort their own dirty clothes when they bring them to the laundry room. That’s easier said than done, of course, but it’s really not too much to ask.

You could also use laundry baskets, but hampers are a better choice. They look nicer and keep smelly and unsightly dirty clothes hidden.

pullout hampers

Pullout laundry hampers keep dirty clothes sorted and out of sight.

7. Use a space-saving ironing board

The ironing boards we use aren’t given much thought. They’re usually stored in a closet or leaned against a wall in the laundry room’s corner. More organized folks may hang them on a wall hook or rack.

Why not use a smarter ironing board storage method that also makes it easier to use? Pullout ironing boards that are incorporated into a cabinet drawer space are one option. Fold-down ironing boards that are mounted on the wall or built into the wall are another option. Just flip the ironing board down and it’s set at the perfect height and good to go.

Pullout and fold-down ironing boards improve a laundry space in the following ways:

  • they save space
  • they’re more stable than foldable freestanding ironing boards
  • there’s no hassle setting them up and less danger of pinching your fingers
  • pullout and built-in ironing boards stay hidden when they’re not in use

8. Hang ’em out to dry

Hanging washed clothes to air-dry qualifies as laundry room storage, even if they’re only using the space for a short time.

Modern dryers may be better than ever, but there are a few reasons someone might want to air-dry their washed clothes. For example, most delicate fabrics don’t do well in the dryer. Eco-conscious people also prefer to use their dryer less often. Perhaps someone wants to save their favourite clothing items from the extra wear and tear that comes from heavy dryer use. Hanging space is also needed for freshly ironed clothes.

The most popular laundry room hanging solutions include:

  • hanging rods
  • freestanding or fold-down drying racks
  • a pullout drying rack
  • a retractable clothesline
  • a valet rod
Second floor laundry room.

A hanging rod over the counter and sink is one of several solutions for air-drying and hanging clothes in a laundry room.

9. Use the laundry room for extra home storage

A large laundry room is practical for storing a lot more than laundry supplies. Have it designed to create extra home storage space for things like luggage, off-season clothing, and holiday decorations.

Most homes have a utility closet. Why not locate it in the laundry room to store your vacuum, brooms, mops, cleaning supplies, and tools? Emptying out a hallway utility closet can free it up so you can remodel it into a handy linen closet.

Add value to your home with a laundry room remodel

Making some décor upgrades and increasing your laundry room’s storage space will transform your experience doing the laundry.

There’s a reason modern laundry rooms are consistently named by homebuyers as one of the features they want the most.

The National Association of Realtors’ annual Remodeling Impact Report also found that laundry room remodels were one of the most satisfying types of home improvement projects for homeowners.

A laundry room upgrade is one of the remodel projects that gave homeowners the most enjoyment and satisfaction. (image from the National Association of Realtors)

Maximize your laundry room storage space

Are you ready to address your laundry room’s lack of storage space and drab appearance?

Organized Interiors has solutions to transform your laundry room into a brand-new space with ample storage, stylish décor, and added value for your home.

Schedule a free design consultation with us to begin planning your laundry room makeover.

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Home Library and Reading Space Ideas Any Booklover Would Love

home library dark wood built-in cabinetry

In this increasingly tech-driven world, it may surprise you to learn that physical books still far outsell e-books.

50% of Canadian adults read or listened to at least one book in 2021, according to a BookNet Canada survey. Physical books were the format of choice for the vast majority of those readers.

Clearly, good ol’ fashioned paper books still have a place in the digital age.

Create a home library with form and function

Avid readers tend to own a large collection of already-read books that they hold onto for sentimental reasons and to loan to friends, as well as an ever-growing backlog of books they plan to read.  

Without a proper home library, it can be a challenge keeping large book collections organized. Most homeowners use storage systems like shelving and bookcases that are bought separately over the years as their book collection grows. Often, this variety of storage systems has a cobbled-together look that lacks any decorative cohesion and is more spread out in a room, instead of keeping the books in one place.

woman on ladder grabbing book off custom bookcase

The best solution to keep a large book collection more organized and also give your home a decorative boost is to create a home library featuring a custom built-in bookcase. And if you have the space, including a comfortable reading area where your books are kept is ultra-practical, too.

Do you envision a space where your books can be stored more efficiently and in stylish surroundings? And does having a cozy, quiet home space that lets you transport yourself to wherever the imaginations of your favourite authors takes you sound appealing? Then find out why you won’t regret your investment in a home library and reading space.

Aren’t home libraries outdated? No, and here’s why.

The concept of a home library nowadays may seem outdated to some, but lots of people don’t subscribe to the idea that their entire book collection should be stored on an iPad. Plenty of readers want their favourite books to occupy square footage in their home, not gigabytes of memory space on a tablet.

In fact, most readers prefer the tactile, more personal experience of holding a book, appreciating the cover art, turning the pages, placing and removing a bookmark, and that satisfying feeling when a completed book is closed for the final time. And no charging is required!

This Statista infographic, which unfortunately doesn’t include figures for Canada, shows how physical books continue to have enduring appeal around the world:

Research and infographic from Statista.

Another reason physical books still matter to people is the experience of book shopping at a brick-and-mortar store. Many music lovers (including myself) miss the unique anticipatory experience of visiting an HMV or Sam The Record Man store and leisurely browsing through the racks for the newest amazing CDs or records to add to our music libraries. Digitally shopping at the iTunes Store just ain’t the same in comparison.

The book shopping experience is very similar. For many bookworms, shopping in-person at an Indigo store or a favourite small bookstore and browsing their selection of titles is still an enjoyable, satisfying part of the book owning and reading experience.

And all of those physical books still being sold end up somewhere in people’s homes. So why not keep them somewhere that’s a cut above a cheap, self-assembled bookcase or in boxes or storage bins?

Avid readers and book collectors take their hobby seriously. It’s usually one of their main passions and a fundamental part of their daily life, so it only makes sense to store the things that give them so much joy with care.

The satisfying in-person book shopping experience is one of many reasons why physical books remain the medium’s dominant format.

Six more reasons to consider adding a home library

In addition to bookcases keeping a collection of books tidier, here are six more practical reasons to consider creating a home library:

  1. A custom-made built-in bookcase revamps the architecture of a room and transforms it into vastly different space.
  2. Bookcases allow your most cherished books to be displayed in an artful manner.
  3. A book-filled, personalized home library makes a room feel more lived-in.
  4. The books you own and display reflect your personality (as Walter Mosely wrote in his book The Long Fall, “A man’s bookcase will tell you everything you’ll ever need to know about him.”)
  5. An attractive bookcase can be a great conversation starter.
  6. Giving books a proper home is the best long-term storage solution to preserve them (as opposed to moving them around occasionally or storing them in less-than-deal conditions in a basement).

The benefits of keeping books in the home

It’s an age-old debate about whether or not it makes any sense to keep a book you’ve already read. Just like the e-book vs. physical book discussion, it’s all about someone’s preferences and taste.

book at bedside table

Ask anyone who chooses to hold onto most of the books they’ve read about why they do so and you’ll get a lot of different answers. Here are some of the reasons they might give:

  • Memorable books have deep, sentimental value.
  • Book collections add a sophisticated touch to a room and instantly make a statement that you’re literally a well-read person!
  • You can share an enjoyable literary experience with someone by gifting or loaning them books.
  • Just like paintings, drawings, and photographs, books are works of art that are equally worthy of displaying and being appreciated more than once.
  • Scientific research shows that book-filled homes have a positive impact on the academic development of kids.
  • The distinct smell of old books (which is caused by a book’s chemical compounds breaking down as it ages) provides a satisfying sensory experience.
  • The sight of rows of neatly organized books simply appeals to some people’s visual taste.

Some reading benefits you might not know

We’ve already listed a number of reasons reading and keeping books gives so many people pleasure. Reading has numerous positive health benefits you may be unaware of, too. Research has shown that reading regularly can:

  • reduce stress
  • help you sleep better
  • slow down age-related cognitive decline by keeping your brain more active and sharp
  • lessen the effects of depression
  • improve your ability to empathize with others
  • increase the likelihood of your kids adopting reading as one of their leisure activities

Invest in a custom bookcase for your home library

A new bookcase from Ikea or Amazon is where most people will turn when they’re looking for a home book storage solution. If you’re really serious about creating the perfect home library design, however, it’s worth it to spend a little more for a custom-made bookcase with a higher-end look.

It’s the bookcase, after all, that will define a home library space and commonly become the room’s focal point. No mass-produced, assemble-it-yourself bookcase product can match the quality of a customized cabinetry piece that is precisely designed, crafted, and professionally installed to fit your living space, storage needs, and design taste.

With a custom bookcase design, you’ll have infinitely more layout, finish, and style options to choose from to complement your décor. You’re not limited to just a few basic design options chosen by a large furniture manufacturer’s design team that are aimed at mass consumer appeal.

A bespoke home library bookcase can be designed to virtually any dimensions you want, whether it’s a large, wall-to-wall and floor-to-ceiling size or something smaller. Customize the heights, widths, and depths of the shelving. Get creative and have your designer incorporate open spaces in specific areas so you can decorate with things like plants and candles. Add upper and/or lower cabinets if you desire.

Because a bookcase is holding a significant amount of weight, the quality of the materials and craftsmanship matters if you want the furniture piece to last a long time. Once again, a custom-built bookcase will be superior to the mass-produced products you’ll find from a big-box or online retailer.

home library bookcase

A custom-made bookcase is more attractive than a low-quality bookcase you assemble yourself. Built-in bookcases also look more like a part of a room’s architecture.

A built-in bookcase optimizes a room’s space

Built-in custom cabinetry is designed to make optimal use of a room’s space, which helps make the room feel bigger and provides a visually appealing architectural element.

Unlike a freestanding bookcase, a well-designed built-in bookcase looks more like a carefully considered part of a room’s architecture, not an afterthought.

By taking the existing architecture of a room into consideration in the design process, built-in cabinetry eliminates or reduces the amount of wasted space, particularly in awkward corners and nooks.

Compared to a freestanding, off-the-shelf bookcase product, this leaves you with more storage space for books and decorative items.

Choosing the right location for a home library

A home library can take on many different forms. If your book collection is large enough and you have the room, a home library can take up an entire room (typically a spare room).

Ideally, you’ll want to situate a library on the main or upper floor. Although the basement likely provides more privacy in your home (which is a significant consideration if you’re combining a home library with a reading space), its cooler temperatures and lack of natural light may feel too inhospitable.

Many home libraries work in tandem with a room’s other functions. Home offices are a natural fit for a paired library space. A home office bookcase can share space between your work-related books and the leisure reading books you own.

home office book library white built-in cabinetry

Maybe you have a home office, guest room, or hobby room that isn’t used regularly. Get more use out of them by adding a bookcase to maximize the room’s functionality. A wide hallway or a large stairway landing area are other areas you could potentially have a built-in bookcase or bookshelves installed. 

Limited home space? Create a book nook!

You don’t need an entire room or half of a room to create space to store books and even room to read. A book nook can be added in many areas of the home that are underutilized, specifically a small corner, recess, or alcove.

The corner of a large bedroom, home office, or any other room can be used. You could set up a small book storage and reading space around a window and have a comfortable built-in window seat added so you can enjoy your books in a cozy sunny setting.

Another option is to make better use of the space underneath a staircase, which is loaded with organizational and storage possibilities. Most staircases are near the front entryway, so remodelling this area with a book and reading nook is a great way to give the space a decorative upgrade.

home window seat and bookshelves

This built-in window seat provides a cozy home reading space. The flanking built-in bookshelves can be used for book storage and displaying decorative items.

Set up a cozy home reading space

According to a recent Indigo survey, Canadian adults spend an average of six hours per week reading as a leisure activity. If you’re in your happy place when you’re reading every day or just a few times per month, why not create a home space that is dedicated to one of your passions?

A home library and reading space that is set up for maximum comfort and minimal distractions will enhance your reading experience and inspire you to read more often. If possible, locate your reading area in a more secluded area of the home that is relatively quiet and private. 

You don’t need much space to set up a cozy reading area. It only requires room for a chair that is comfortable enough for those extended reading sessions, a lamp, a side table, and perhaps an ottoman if you like to stretch out while reading. If you enjoy mixing in listening to audiobooks or podcasts with your book reading, consider choosing a chair that can be reclined for more comfort.

Augment the room’s ambient and task lighting (which should be warm and soft) with accent lighting on the bookcase that showcases the beautiful cabinetry. Consider giving the room even more of a true library look by installing a rolling ladder for the bookcase. The ladder adds a sophisticated decorative touch and helpful functionality for accessing the upper bookshelves.

Decorate by styling your bookshelves

There are many ways to display a book collection. Sorting them by genre, author, or alphabetically makes the most sense from an organizational point of view.

Lots of people, however, like to get creative and prioritize giving their home library some extra visual appeal by storing their books in a variety of artful, interesting ways. Here are a few examples of how books can be playfully arranged to add visual interest to a room:

  • organize them by colour to create a rainbow look
  • arrange the books by height
  • display your favourite books by turning the covers outwards
  • mix in stacks of horizontally arranged books with your vertically stored books
  • display books with the spines turned inward (we don’t get it, but this understandably divisive trend is apparently a thing)

A home library’s bookcase shelves have more uses than just storing books. Bookshelf styling is an art all by itself and has become more popular in recent years. It allows you to create an infinite number of interesting looks by using decorative items like photos, plants, vases, candles, and other knick-knacks to express your decorating style.

home library bookcase

Bookshelf styling has become a popular way to decorate.

Create your bespoke home library and reading space

If that vision of having your own home library and reading space just won’t go away, there’s no time like the present to turn that dream into reality.

Organized Interiors specializes in providing beautifully designed custom cabinetry solutions for your home. Let’s collaborate on a bookcase design that is fully customized just for your home.

Schedule a free design consultation with one of our designers today.

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